Thursday, January 21, 2010

Nighttime Leg Numbness What Causes Nighttime Leg Cramps That Result In Extremly Painful Temporary Contractures Called?

What causes nighttime leg cramps that result in extremly painful temporary contractures called? - nighttime leg numbness

Sometimes I wake in a serious leg / calf pain when the consequences occur contractures. Take what I can force to relieve contracture. In general, at the end trying to force normalcy to stop TABLE contracture. And the pain is beyond what I can bear. I am also a Type II diabetes. Please help.


Susan Yarrawonga said...

These cramps (Charlie Horses) are caused generally by drying), too much caffeine or too much alcohol and a deficiency of potassium (bananas, calcium) (dairy, magnesium (nuts) or vitamin B6 (milk).

SALT said...

I encounter similar situations, and repeated that the attack occurred while driving. The doctor was not in a position to offer a solution, but I noticed the increased intensity and frequency of attacks after several days of long hours of physically and mentally demanding work together with the time restless sleep and short. A sports person noted that this is due to an imbalance "electrolytes", some say that the deficit of "calcio". I think this is due to conduction of the body over the body of skills to manage themselves, so that the body protests. Regular light massage before bedtime helps.

Timeless Touch said...

I can not thumbs up yet so I say directly to Susan.
You can also purchase this combo in the form of tablets in the pharmacy, if the NEET higher power.

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